In the 24th of November 2017, the mechanical engineer called Tiago Simino Macedo presented his masters conclusion thesis in Florianopolis, SC. The ex-student of post-graduation program in Mechanical Engineering at UFSC works now at EMBRAER in São José do Campos, SP as Product Development Engineer in Hydraulic Systems division. During the Master program, Tiago developed his thesis in partnership with FORD, which provided equipment and information. The thesis titled Modeling and Simulation of a Conventional Automatic Transmission Hydraulic Circuit For Failure Analysis, was whole developed by Tiago. Its results, besides reaching the thesis main goals, were very useful to starts a new research division in LASHIP. Finally, the work was also good to reinforce the importance of University/Industry partnership, this scenario makes the personal and country development, besides the better trained professional’s proximity to the industries.
Access the Thesis: Modelagem e Simulação do Circuito Hidráulico de uma Transmissão Automática Convencional Para Análise d eFalhas.