Research areas

LASHIP – Laboratory of Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems of the Mechanical Engineering Department at the Federal University of Santa Catarina has as the topic of teaching and research the study of hydraulic and pneumatic components and circuits and application and continuous adaptation of related disciplines and technologies that improve the analysis, design, and construction of these systems.

In essence, the hydraulic and pneumatic systems are applied to the automation and control of mechanical actions, having as a basis the principles of fluid mechanics and classical mechanics and its analysis based on discrete event systems theory and control theory. Systems design and software development theories, artificial intelligence, and mathematical and diagrammatical modelling, are some of the subjects that may be developed and applied to the analysis and design of systems that involve hydraulic and pneumatic components. This multidisciplinary approach occurs through the research areas currently established at LASHIP, which are:

1 – Development and Optimization of Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems and Components;

2 – Methods and Intelligent Systems for Design, Control, and Operation of Mecatronic, Hydraulic, and Pneumatic Equipment;

1 – Analysis and Design of Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems and Components

Prof. Victor Juliano De Negri

Prof. Marcos Paulo Nostrani

Prof. Antonio Carlos Valdiero

Expand knowledge of the behavior of hydraulic and pneumatic components and circuits, in order to improve their integration with automation and control systems of machines and processes. Emphasis is given to the construction of mathematical models, the parameters of which can be extracted from product catalogues, aiming at the effective use of these models. For component design, it is common to use software for numerical analysis of stresses and strains and flow analysis (CFD), combined with one-dimensional dynamic analysis using Matlab/Simulink, HOPSAN, and AMESim.

According to the fluid mechanics and dynamic of mechanical systems, the physical principles are modeled and then described by transfer functions, state variables, and simulation models. These models, normally non-linear, are fundamental to the design of control systems using classical and non-linear control techniques. In these activities, it is essential to carry out tests for the experimental evaluation of static and dynamic behaviors, given the multiple uncertainties and variations in parameters specific to these components.

Solutions using servo valves, proportional valves, and on/off valves for position, speed, and force control with hydraulics and pneumatics are investigated.


  • Analog hydraulics (servo-hydraulics and proportional hydraulics) and digital hydraulics;
  • Pneumatics for analog and digital control and industrial automation;
  • Conceptual and detailed design and construction of hydraulic and pneumatic components;
  • System analysis and design for industrial and mobile applications.

2 – Methods and Intelligent Systems for Design, Control, and Operation of Mechatronic, Hydraulic, and Pneumatic Equipment.

Prof. Victor Juliano De Negri

Prof. Jonny Carlos da Silva

Prof. Antonio Carlos Valdiero

This research area is related to the development of procedures, methods, and methodologies for analysis and design of hydraulic and pneumatic components and systems for the automation and control of machines and processes. Electro-electronic devices and software are taking into account as part of hydraulic and pneumatic solutions and studied in a mechatronic point of view. State-of-the-art techniques such as Channel-Agency Petri Net, GRAFCET, block diagrams, state machines, among others, are applied, seeking to increase the flexibility and maintainability of the systems.

The continued development of an automatic system design methodology is the focus of this research area, ranging from the system specification to the detailed design and observing the proper representation of each applicable technology.

This topic involves also the application of Artificial Intelligence techniques to develop software aiming at the design of hydraulic and pneumatic system, with an integrated perspective in terms of product life-cycle, including maintenance and other aspects. This research area also includes dynamic modelling using the multiport approach based on the AMESim system.

In the fault detection and reliability analysis fields, standard testing procedures, monitoring of system variables, and fault detection related to the hydraulic fluid and other components are studied.


  • Design methodology for automatic systems and its application to hydraulics and pneumatics;
  • Dynamic simulation of hydraulic and pneumatic systems and components;
  • Monitoring and analysis of fluids, components, and systems;
  • Software to support maintenance of hydraulic systems;
  • Expert Systems to aid component selection;
  • Methodologies for conceptual design and dimensioning of components and circuits.