LASHIP – Hydraulics and Pneumatics   


Opportunity for students to work at the implementation of a control system applied to hydraulics

Published on: 12/07/2019

Project Digital Hydraulic System applied at a Floor Crane LASHIP is recruiting one undergraduate student to work at the implementation of a control system for digital hydraulic applied to a floor crane with a focus on energy efficiency. More information about the requirements and activities is available below. Payment and […]


Opportunity for Undergraduate Student

Published on: 27/06/2019

AQUAMAQ PROJECT – Technological Development Network on Aquaculture Mechanization Requisites: – Mechanical or Control and Automation Engineering  student – Preferably with Hydraulic and Pneumatics Course Activities: – Barge propulsion system project, with two propellers and pumps coupled to the diesel engine – Selection and definition of hydraulic components – Finish the […]


Opportunity for undergraduate students to work with Failure Analysis and Diagnostic

Published on: 22/05/2019

LASHIP is recruiting one undergraduate student to work with failure analysis and diagnostic of a hydraulic actuation system for application on aircraft control surfaces. The candidates can be from the following courses: Mechanical Engineering, Electric Engineering, Production Engineer, Automation and Systems Engineering, Computer Science and Information Systems. More information below. […]


HYDAC presentation about hydraulic fluid monitoring on 27/05

Published on: 22/05/2019

LASHIP invites everyone to participate in the HYDAC presentation that will take place at UFSC (the presentation will be given in portuguese) Date: 27/05/19, Monday Time: 10 a.m. Place: EMC auditorium – Mechanical Engineer Department, UFSC   Topic: The importance of maintaining and monitoring the lubricant fluid conditions in hydraulic […]


Defense of master thesis in collaboration with Aalto University, Finland

Published on: 25/04/2019

On April 12th, 2019, the student Thales Agostini presented his master thesis, Modeling and Analysis of an electro-hydrostatic system using asymmetrical cylinder for stationary and mobile machinery , in Florianópolis, SC. The research consists of modeling, experimental tests and analysis of energy efficiency through simulation. The system approached the concept […]


PhD opportunity in Munich, Germany

Published on: 11/04/2019

Professor Gunther Reissing from the Department of Aerospace Engineering of the Bundeswehr University Munich – Germany invites students worldwide to apply to the position of doctoral researcher in the field of Formal Methods in Control. The candidate may choose to work with a focus on software and algorithms development or […]


Visit of students from UFMT to LASHIP

Published on: 10/04/2019

On April 5, 2019, a group of 24 Automation and Control Engineering undergraduate students from the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT) visited LASHIP. The students had the chance to know the research activities carried out in the laboratory, as well as some of the workbenches and test rigs used […]


Visit to Bosch Rexroth and Netzsch in Pomerode – SC

Published on: 03/12/2018

On November 22, LASHIP employees made technical visits to the product assembly lines of the companies NETZSCH and BOSCH REXROTH, both located in the city of Pomerode. Santa Catarina. NETZSCH is a multinational that actives in several areas, from mining equipment to chemical and food industry. BOSCH REXROTH is one […]


Workshop in November

Published on: 21/11/2018

From November 28 to 30, 2018, the 4th Edition of the do Workshop on Innovative Engineering for Fluid Power will take place in São Paulo, at the ABIMAQ Headquarters. The WIEFP is the only conference in fluid power that occurs in Brazil, given the opportunity to establish very good contacts […]


Visit of Dr. Liselott Ericson at LASHIP

Published on: 08/11/2018

From October 26 to November 6, Dr. Liselott Ericson visited LASHIP. She is a research fellow at Linköping University (LiU), Sweden, and coordinates a project with Volvo CE on energy efficient hydraulic systems for construction machines where the PhD student Henrique Raduenz will be involved. During her stay, she attended […]