Candidate: Mário Cesar DestroDissertação_Destro_2014

Program: UFSC / POSMEC

Date: September, 2014

Advisor: Victor Juliano De Negri, Dr. Eng.

Abstract: Even with the technological advances already achieved, problems related to the proper selection of the type of valves and actuators and its integration with electronic devices, that perform the control, are still addressed. These issues are caused since the design process for proportional valves applications are not suitably systematized. Motivated by the uncertainties addressed in the first stages of electro-hydraulic systems, this study deals with the behavioral interactions among valve and cylinder. In addition, it presents a presetting method applied to electro-hydraulic positioning systems, based on behavioral analysis of pressures in the system under the loading effects. By the study of behavioral pressures effects on the system performance, was possible to identify, in a systematic way, the static and dynamic characteristics required for the components in several types of configurations. This study is part of the preliminary phases in the electro-hydraulic positioning systems design. In order to meet the static and dynamic specifications, it evaluates conceptions of positioning systems and achieves the selection of proportional valves and cylinders. This work was carried out using CAE (Computer Aided Engineering)  tools for dynamic analysis. The simulations results were validated by experiments in the Proportional Hydraulic Platform (PHP) of the Laboratory of Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems (LASHIP-UFSC). The study conclusions clarify and solve potential problems of incorrect system designed selection.  The criterion for the valve and cylinder selection in the electro-hydraulic positioning systems design was validated.

DESTRO, M. Análise de condições operacionais críticas em posicionadores eletro-hidráulicos. 2014. 138 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica). Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis.
