2022 IEEE Global Fluid Power Society PhD Symposium

Napoli – Italy | October 12 – 14, 2022 Congress Centre of the University Federico II

Call for Abstracts

Authors are invited to submit an abstract to be presented as oral or poster presentation by January 21, 2022 on the following topics:


  1. Pumps and motors;

  2. Fluid power components, architectures and systems;

  3. Control methodologies for fluid power systems and applications;

  4. Novel energy efficient components and systems;

  5. Digital and switched fluid power systems;

  6. Fluid power drives and transmissions;

  7. Safety, reliability, fault analysis and diagnosis;

  8. Noise and vibration;

  9. Fluid power in renewable energy, robotics, mechatronics and other applications;

  10. Human scale, human interactive, and mobile self-powered fluid power;

  11. Environmental aspects of fluid power;

  12. Hydraulic fluids, materials and tribology;

  13. Water hydraulics;

  14. Pneumatic systems;

  15. Industrial applications;

  16. Mobile and aerospace applications;

  17. Other related topics