Candidate: Alessio Gallonipdf-download

Program: Unimore – UFSC

Date: April, 2015

Advisors: Dott. Ing. Barbara Zardin – Unimore, Prof. Victor Juliano De Negri – UFSC

Abstract: This master’s thesis reports on theoretical and experimental investigations of a switched inertance hydraulic system, which is designed for the blade pitch control of a wind turbine. Wind power is nowadays one of the most promising new energy resource; it has shown, in the last years, a considerable growth in development of all the technological areas involving design and construction of wind turbines. One of the biggest current challenges is to increase the efficiency of the wind capture. The blade pitch control, applied in the horizontal axis wind turbine, permits not only to optimize the energy capture, but also to reduce the dynamic loads in the turbine structure, and to maintain the quality of the generated power according to the standard requirements. In this context, an analytical model of an innovative hydraulic system for pitch control is proposed and validated by simulation and experiments. The system consists of a switching valve, a transmission line and a hydraulic linear actuator; every component is described and the model includes the effects of switching transition, non-linearity and leakage of the valve. In addition, a comparison with a hydraulic system conventionally applied in the wind industry for the blade pitch control is presented. The objective of this study is to show the advantages of the new designed system for the application, in term of more effiency and energy saving. It also pretends to contribute to the area of pitch control systems for wind turbines, providing a very effective model for understanding, analysing and optimising the characteristics and performance of the system.

Reference: GALLONI, A. Modelling and energy assessment of a switched inertance hydraulic system for pitch control. 2015. 97 p. Master’s Thesis in Fluid Power. Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy.
