Candidate: Ivan Junior Mantovani
Program: UFSC / POSMEC
Date: June, 2019
Advisor: Victor Juliano De Negri, UFSC
Co-Advisor: Henri Carlo Belan, IFSC, Tubarão
Abstract: This master’s thesis presents a solution to the optimization of the switching between on/off valves in digital hydraulic systems that employ the secondary control with a multi-chamber cylinder. As a pioneer, the Laboratory of Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems – LASHIP, in an academic-industrial partnership with the Fluid and Mechatronic Systems – FLUMES and the Saab AB company, developed a drive conception for flight control surfaces in aircraft, called Digital Hydraulic Actuator – DHA. The DHA proved to be energetically more efficient than the current systems; however, issues linked to intrinsic problems of the digital hydraulics were quoted as eligible for improvements. Therefore, pressure noise, smoothness of motion and switching synchronism are aspects that need to be further investigated. In this context, this work aims to relate the performance and energy efficiency for optimization of switching between the on/off valves. The valves used in the shifting of pressure in the DHA have a response dynamics which is different in opening than it is in closing, and these responses also vary among valves. A validated mathematical model was used in the preparation of the method. This model was also used to carry out analyses of comprehensiveness in the method by parametric variation. In the DHA model, the on/off valves were parametrized with different dynamic responses. After that, mechanisms were created to apply the method in the entire system and subsequently the synchronism time delay value was applied in each switching. Finally, a variation in the synchronism time delay was simulated, with positive and negative values. When relating these variations with performance and energy efficiency, a time delay was established for the optimization of each switching between the on/off valves of the DHA.
Reference: MANTOVANI, I. J. Otimização dos chaveamentos entre válvulas ON/OFF em atuadores hidráulicos digitais . 2019. 140 p. Dissertação de Mestrado. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina