Candidate: Yesid E. Asaff Mendonza
Program: UFSC / POSMEC
Date: Setember, 2013
Advisor: Victor Juliano De Negri
Co-advisor: Hubertus Murrenhoff (RWTH Aachen/Alemanha)
Abstract: This thesis deals with the systematization of design process for hydraulic systems using biodegradable fluids. Nowadays, the trend in power increase in hydraulic systems is achieved through of the use of high operating pressures and therefore, using small components. High pressures require a greater chance of leakage and as result, spilling of fluid. These accidents can cause serious damage to the environment, for example, in the electric power generation sector, especially in the Small Hydro Power (SHP), whose volume of mineral hydraulic fluid is the order of hundreds of liters and usually operate unattended and monitored from a distance, so that it is not possible to act quickly to prevent contamination of water resources due to any incidental leaks. Another perspective to this problem relate to leakage existing in hydraulic mobile systems, for example, agricultural machines, where studies indicate that are annually poured on farmland thousands of liters of mineral oil, resulting from failures and leakages in these hydraulic systems. In this context and in order to avoid or mitigate the issue of environmental risk is identified in Brazil and the world a way of incentives in search of systems development and / or environmentally friendly products, such as the increasing use of biodegradable fluids in hydraulic systems, replacing currently used mineral fluid. Therefore, in this work a solution for the design of hydraulic systems that may employ biodegradable fluids is proposed, which focuses on the systematization of procedures for specifying and analyzing the requirements of hydraulic systems in order to adapt and optimize the performance and component life, as well as the fluid itself. With appropriate strategies of design, using concepts of hydraulic systems, fluid analysis, monitoring, and environmental technology, the systematization guarantees the minimization of the problems inherent in the use of biodegradable fluids in hydraulic systems, where is presented at the same time a solution within ecological and design scopes for the development of new technologies for hydraulic systems, whether in industrial or mobile sector. The structuring of the systematization is oriented through the development of a computational intelligent system prototype, using the technique of the knowledge-based system (SBC). Based on the design requirements, the prototype incorporates criteria to analysis and decision making, which results in the selection (specification) of one or various biodegradable fluids, the selection of the main components of the hydraulic circuit, well as definition of guidelines monitoring of the hydraulic system. Finally, the systematization which is encapsulated in the prototype is verified and validated by expert reviews of different knowledge domains.
MENDONZA, Y. E. A. Sistematização do Projeto de Circuitos Hidráulicos para o Emprego de Fluídos Biodegradáveis. 2013. Tese (Programa de Pós Graduação em Engenharia Mecânica), 228 p. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina: Florianópolis.