Last Thursday, March 15th, the university community at UFSC had the honour to welcome professors Luiz C. Góes and Antonio C. Valdiero, who delivered lectures on the subjects of Mechanical Systems Design, more specifically in mechatronics systems for aerospace and agriculture application. Luiz C. Góes (professor from the Mechatronics Department at ITA) made a lecture presenting the teaching and research activities he develops at ITA on the subject of aerospace hydraulic systems modelling and identification using Bond Graph. He also presented examples of multi-domain systems that are part of aircrafts, and also the innumerable advantages of modelling them using the Bond Graph theory. Afterwards, Antonio C. Valdiero (professor at the Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul – UNIJUÍ) presented, in a creative way, topics about intelligent agriculture machines. He also showed the long journey that still is necessary to go through to make such systems more intelligent. He also highlighted how important it is the cooperation of persons from different backgrounds (IT, electronics, control, hydraulics and pneumatics) to develop more intelligent machines. The two lectures contributed for the engineering program at UFSC by bringing new topics in the area of system modelling, and by encouraging students to think in a more creative and curious perspective on the continuous improvement that the research inside the university can deliver to the current machines.
Professor Góes lecture.
Professor Valdiero lecture.