Ph.D candidate Prof. M. Eng. Henri Carlo Belan was in Linz, Austria, to attend the 7th Workshop on Digital Fluid Power – DFP15, 26-27 February. In this event, he had the opportunity to present the article “Digital Secondary Control Architecture for Aircraft Application” coauthored with Ph.D candidate Cristiano C. Locateli and Prof. Dr. Victor Juliano De Negri, from Federal University of Santa Catarina, Prof. Ph.D Petter Krus, from Linköping University and Dr. Birgitta Lantto, from SAAB AB, Linköping, Sweden. The article is referred to the presenter research, which was done partially in a sandwich Ph.D program at the University of Linköping, Sweden, by a Brazilian 69/2013 CNPQ/CISB/SAAB project.
The article presentation is available in the link below.
DFP15 – LASHIP – Presentation