Ph.D candidate Prof. M. Eng. Henri Carlo Belan was in Sombrio/SC, Brazil, to attend the 4º Simpósio de Integração Científica e Tecnológica do Sul Catarinense – SICT-SUL, 11-12 November. In this event, he had the opportunity to present the work “Digital Fluid Power Conception for Aircraft Actuation Systems” (Concepção Hidráulica Digital para Sistemas de Atuação de Aviões), coauthored with researches Prof. Dr. Victor J. de Negri, from Federal University of Santa Catarina and Prof. Ph.D Petter Krus, from Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden, and “Electronic Equipment which Favors the Use of Conventional Valves in Digital Fluid Power Applications” (Equipamento Eletrônico que Favorece a Utilização de Válvulas Convencionais em Aplicações Hidráulicas Digitais), coauthored with the undergraduate student Rafael Bregalda from the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina. These works are referred to the presenter research, which is being conducted in partnership with UFSC, IFSC, Linköping University and SAAB AB.