LASHIP – Hydraulics and Pneumatics   


LASHIP’s Lecture on the Hydraulikdagarna 2015 and visit to Saab and Linköping University, Sweden

Published on: 08/04/2015

As part of the project of call CISB 02 2014, during the week of 16 to 20 March 2015 Prof. Victor De Negri was in Linköping, Sweden. In the first two days he attended the Hydraulikdagarna 2015, a National Conference on Hydraulics, where he gave a lecture titled “Brazil: An […]


LASHIP celebrates 2014’s end with Pinheirinho’s Pary

Published on: 03/01/2015

In order to celebrate the achievements of LASHIP in 2014, the traditional Pinheirinho’s Party was held in December. Were present at the event, the current team and some former members. The main attraction was the mechatronic Christmas tree called “Pinheirinho” and designed with pneumatic actuators. This year the “Pinheirinho” was, […]


Opportunity to peform a Master study in partnership with the Bosch Rexroth company

Published on: 15/12/2014

An opportunity is available to perform a Master study in LASHIP with internship in the Bosch Rexroth Company in the city of Boxtel, Netherlands. The topic is Hydraulic Systems applied in equipment of subsea exploration of oil and gas.


LASHIP participates in Bath/ASME Symposium on Fluid Power and Motion Control FPMC 2014 in Bath, England.

Published on: 04/11/2014

On september 10th to 12th, Prof. Victor De Negri and Ph.D candidate Cristiano Locateli were in Bath, England, attending the Bath/ASME Symposium on Fluid Power and Motion Control FPMC 2014 – with the article “Actuator Speed Control using Digital Hydraulics”.


LASHIP organized the 2nd Workshop on Innovative Engineering for Fluid Power

Published on: 03/10/2014

On September 2nd and 3rd, the professors Victor De Negri and Yesid Asaff Mendoza, the doctoral student Lidiane Oliveira, the master students Alessio Galloni, Mario Destro and Paulo Teixeira, and the undergraduate student Henrique Raduenz attended the 2nd Workshop on Innovative Engineering for Fluid Power.


Members of Flumes from Linköping University visit LASHIP

Published on: 16/09/2014

In the week of August 25th to 29th, representatives of Flumes (The division of Fluid and Mechatronic Systems) visited the LASHIP. On this occasion, students and professors of LASHIP could present their projects and share information to improve and disseminate knowledge to both institutions.


2nd Workshop on Innovative Engineering for Fluid Power: Applications in Aircraft, Vehicles and Energy (Wind, Hydroelectricity, and Oil and Gas)

Published on: 29/07/2014

The purpose of this workshop is to bring together Brazilian, Swedish and international industry and academia, interested in this evolving multidisciplinary field of fluid power, driver, actuation and control systems.


Laship participates in 8th Ph.D Symposium on Fluid Power in Lappeenranta, Finland

Published on: 17/06/2014

On june 11th to 13th, Ph.D candidate Cristiano Locateli was in Lappeenranta, Finland, attending the 8th FPNI – 8th Ph.D Symposium on Fluid Power – with the presentation of the article “Digital Hydraulic System using pumps and on/off valves controlling the actuator”.


Prof. Victor participates in 9th IFK and visits Bosch Rexroth plants

Published on: 31/03/2014

On March 24th to 26th, Prof. Victor was in Aachen, Germany, attending the 9 IFK – 9th International Fluid Power Conference – with the presentation of the article “Analysis of the influence of geometric parameters on the characteristic curves of directional control valve”.


Scholarships differentiated and attractive in Sweden. Call CNPq-CISB-Saab 69/2013

Published on: 29/01/2014

Em parceria com o Centro de Pesquisa e Inovação Sueco Brasileiro (CISB), a Saab abre chamada para concessão de bolsas de estudo na Suécia, no âmbito do programa Ciência sem Fronteiras do Governo Federal. As áreas de interesse são Aeroespacial, Defesa & Segurança, Energia & Meio Ambiente e Cidades Atrativas […]