Prof. Victor De Negri and Ph.D candidate Cristiano Locateli were in Bath, England, to attend the Bath/ASME Symposium on Fluid Power and Motion Control FPMC 2014,  10-12 September.  In this event, they had the opportunity to present the article “Actuator Speed Control using Digital Hydraulics” coauthored with Prof Dr. Edson De Pieri, from Federal University of Santa Catarina, M. Eng. Henri Belan, from Federal Institute of Santa Catarina and Prof. Ph.D Petter Krus, from Linköping University. The article is referred to part of the qualify exam of Ph.D candidate Cristiano.

Prof. Victor De Negri also attended the FPST (Fluid Power Systems Technology Division of ASME) meeting when the participation of this division on the organization FPST/FPNI PhD Symposium was approved. The conference will be organized in conjunction with the Fluid Power Net International and LASHIP/EMC/UFSC and will occur in 26 – 28 October, 2016 in Florianópolis.

Download of article presentation.


Presentation of the article by the Prof. Victor De Negri


Debate about the article presented by Prof. Victor De Negri