Candidate: Rafael Hilário Fonseca Mazzorana

Program: UFSC / POSMEC

Date: October, 2008

Advisor: Jonny Carlos da Silva

Abstract: This work presents the context related to the design of hydroelectric plants, emphasizing their components, such as penstock, draft tube, turbine, generator, distributor and governing systems, composed of fluid power and control systems. These components are exposed to physical phenomena that may occur during operation of the hydroelectric plant and that should be evaluated during the design phase. After presenting the details of the components, the work introduces the modeling and simulation concepts, related to signal flow, widely used by the theory of control, and to the power flow approaches, based on the theory of Bond-graphs and more adequate to model complex mechanical systems. The aim of this work is to build a model of governing system for hydroelectric power plant using the power flow approach, to show its advantage compared to modeling using signal flow approach, which is currently used by the industry. In order to do that, the component models were developed in the software AMESim®, which applies the power flow approach to model dynamic systems. The components parameters are defined according to their conditions and characteristics of use. In simulation, three typical commissioning tests were used to validate the model. The same tests were carried out on the real system that was used for experimental validation. The main point of this work, when compared to others that use signal approach, is that the model provides results besides the common outputs, i.e. the model gives access to the system state variables. Indeed, this comparison between the results of the physical system and the model can be used to improve the models as well as their parameters and therefore the results obtained. In doing so, this work concludes that the model built and validated could be used in the analysis stage of design of a hydroelectric power plant, if the adequate parameters are set. Hence, the model used by the designer presents a great number of variables to facilitate the decision-making phase of the design of hydroelectric power plant and its governing system.

MAZZORANA, Rafael. H. F. Modelagem Dinâmica via Fluxo de Potência de Reguladores de Velocidade em Usinas Hidrelétricas. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica). Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis.