Candidate: Laudelino Vieira de Matos Filho

Program: UFSC / POSMEC

Date: June, 2007

Advisor: Victor Juliano De Negri

Coadvisor: Acires Dias (NEDIP)

Abstract: The reality of the industry suggests several reasons to make choice to redesign mechatronic equipments, among which is possible to consider the economic gain by increase in productivity, competitive advantages with the improvement of quality of products. In general, the focus of this process aims at enlarging the life span of the equipments, making them reusable through processes that reduce the costs on investments and installation. However, there is, to date, no structured methodology which guides the resolution of this problem, causing the actions in this direction to be without criterion whose results may bring more damage than benefits. The methodology proposed considers that the equipment examined are equipments in use or reusable, and the whole designing and validation processes is based on original equipment. In the initial phase is made the analysis of criteria for choosing the redesigning of the project. With the option to redesign, is applied a second stage where is prospected the necessary information for the generation of requirements of redesign. For that is employed the reverse engineering process using the modeling methods of automated systems with Petri Net Channel/Agency, SFC and reliability modeling. In the sequence, all the information acquired are brought to a phase of analysis of solutions where a redesign team is encouraged to reassess the design and propose alternative solutions on the basis of the requirements of redesign generated. The new proposals for solving the problems created at this phase take into account the conditions of operation, new technologies and functional needs, as well as the current conditions of reliability and maintainability of the system. The result of the present study consists of a realistic proposal of redesigning of the project upon incorporating the advances identified in the previous phases and establishing the basis for future reevaluations. Among the benefits associated with this approach are the gain in competitivity through the constant modernization of the system in use and the consequent reduction of costs on modernization and improvements.

MATOS FILHO, L. V. Reprojeto de Equipamentos Mecatrônicos com base na Confiabilidade de Sistemas. 2007. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica). Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis.