Candidate: Luciano Retzlaff

Program: UFSC / POSMEC

Date: March, 2007

Advisor: Victor Juliano De Negri

Abstract: This research deals with the theoretical-experimental study of a hydraulic system used in the mobile area, more specifically in tractors, which is composed basically by a axial pistons variable displacement pump with pressure and flow compensation and a directional valve control block with pressure compensation. The work presents the main hydraulic system configurations used in the mobile area with prominence for the inherent energy efficiency characteristics of each one of them. Later is presented the analyzed variable displacement pump hydraulic system and the detailed description of the components that compose the power circuit and the actuator circuit. Using the AMESim software, a mathematical model of the hydraulic system in study is developed, with the purpose of representing it´s behavior in steady state. Through a test bed developed to test this system with a variable displacement pump, the static model of the system is validated in the defined operation conditions. Therefore, the theoretical results are compared with the experimental results. The analysis of the theoretical-experimental results allows the evaluation of the hydraulic system, concerning the characteristics of energy efficiency with the system operating with individual loads, as well as with loads applied simultaneously. The second point of the analysis of results is directed for evaluation of the interference level that a circuit generates on other when the hydraulic system in study is operating simultaneously. These components were supplied by the company Bosch Rexroth Ltda., which maintains a partnership with the Laboratory of Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems (LASHIP), from the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the Federal University of Santa Catarina.

RETZLAFF, L. Avaliação do Desempenho de Sistemas Hidráulicos com Sensibilidade ao Carregamento Aplicados em Tratores2007. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica). Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis.