Preliminary timetable for the WIEFP2016 – 3rd Workshop on Innovative Engineering for Fluid Power and FPNI2016 – 9th FPNI Ph.D. Symposium on Fluid Power. For information about the WIEFP2016 please access
Eric Bideaux received a Mechanical Engineering degree from Ecole Centrale de Nantes in 1991, and a Ph.D. in Automation and Control from the University of Franche-Comté in 1995 before joining the National Institute of Applied Sciences in Lyon. Since 2006 he is professor at the Ampère Lab (University of Lyon). His research fields are control engineering applied to mechatronic and Fluid Power systems with a focus on Bond Graph formalism for modelling, simulation and design of energy efficient systems.
Viktor Sverbilov is Associate Professor of Power Units Control Department at Samara State Aerospace University, Candidate of Science (Ph.D.) in the field of aircraft engines. He was graduated as mechanical engineer in aircraft engines from Kuibyshev Aviation Institute in 1970. He was then employed at Kuibyshev Machine Design Company as Principal Testing Engineer for aircraft engines. Since 1972 he re-joined Kuibyshev Aviation Institute (now Samara State Aerospace University) as researcher. He obtained his Candidate of Science degree (Ph.D.) for his work in the field of engines control in 1983. His research was concerned with methods and means to improving dynamic characteristics and stabilizing system with gas pressure regulators by action on pipe-lines dynamics. He was appointed as Lecturer in Math in 1984 and Associate Professor of Math Chair in 1988. He was organizer of the Pre-university Faculty, served as Dean of it in 1990-1994 and organized Aerospace Lyceum as division of Samara State Aerospace University in 1990. Since 1996 he served as Associate Professor at Power Units Control Chair. He taught courses Hydraulic Machines and Power Transmission, Hydraulic Drives and Control Systems, Aircraft Engines Control. He has published over 80 academic papers in the field of fluid power systems and control. His research interests include fluid-borne noise, hydraulic and pneumatic systems and component dynamics, valve performance, fault diagnosis.
Heikki Handroos is Professor of Machine Automation and Head of Laboratory of Intelligent Machines in Lappeenranta University of Technology , Finland since 1993. He got his M.Sc and Ph.D degrees in Institute of Hydraulics and Automation, Tampere University of Technology, 1985 and 1991. His research interests range from modeling, simulation and control of mechatronic systems to robotics, hybrid transmission and mobile machinery. He has published about 220 scientific journal and conference papers in the field of mechatronics, (around 60 journal papers). He has supervised 18 Doctoral Dissertations. He has been responsible leader of academic and industrial R&D projects (tot. > 15M€). Hi is a co-founder of MeVEA Oy simulator company. He has been a visiting Professor in University of Minnesota, National Defense Academy (Japan) and St Petersburg Peter the Great Polytechnic University (Russia). He is a Member of Board of Directors of FPNI and Conference committee of ASME Fluid Power Division. He has been an Associate Editor of ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control since 2014.
Alessandra is materials engineer with specialization in polymers from UFSCar. She also has expertise in Marketing and Technological Innovation at ESPM – Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing. She worked for 17 years in the petrochemical sector in the following areas: market development, product development, technical assistance, planningand marketing. She joined CISB as Project Portfolio Manager in September 2011 and is currently Managing Director of institution.
Alexandre Orth, born in 1978, since 2016 manager of the department Application Solutions and Support and manager of the project Subsea Oil & Gas, Industry Sector Marine and Offshore at Bosch Rexroth AG in Lohr am Main, Germany. He obtained the Control and Automation Engineering degree in 2000 and the master degree in Automation and Systems in 2002 at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brazil. In 2007 he concluded his doctoral studies (Dr.-Ing.) in Mechanical Engineering at the RWTH Aachen University, Germany. In 2008, he joined Bosch Rexroth company in the Quality Management Dept. in Lohr, Germany; becoming in 2011 Manager of Group Product Liability, Safety and Reliability. In 2013, he moved to the Project Business area as Manager for Project Risk Management, working in Boxtel, The Netherlands, with focus on offshore subsea production systems. He is a member of working groups at the German Mechanical Engineering Industry Association (VDMA) and German Association for Marine Technology (GMT) exploring the subject of marine, offshore and subsea technology, where he contributes to several research and development projects related to safety, reliability, energy efficiency, condition monitoring and connected industry.
André de Oliveira is a Mechanical Engineer and holds a Master Degree in Vibration and Acoustics from Federal University of Santa Catarina. He was R&D Engineer at TMT-Motoco do Brazil, Engineering Services Manager at Smarttech, Business development manager at ESI-group, Engineering Services Manager at LMS, and nowadays is Engineering Services Manager at Siemens Industry Software taking care of Durability, Vehicle Energy Management, Noise and Vibration, MBSE, full domain numerical simulation, and all Siemens Industry Software Technologies portfolio. He also makes coffee.
In 1999 Andrea Vacca earned his doctorate in Energy Systems from the University of Florence (Italy) in 2005. Before joining Purdue University in 2010, he was Assistant Professor of Fluid Machinery at the University of Parma (Italy). Since 2014, he is an Associate Professor, with joint appointment between Purdue Agricultural and Biological Engineering and Purdue Mechanical Engineering. Fluid power technology is Prof. Vacca’s major research interest. Particular goals of his research are the improvement of energy efficiency and controllability of fluid power systems and the reduction of their noise emissions. His research team has developed original numerical and experimental techniques to simulate fluid power systems and components, especially for gear machines and hydraulic control valves. Prof. Vacca’s interests also include the modeling of the properties of hydraulic fluids, including the effects of aeration and cavitation, as well as the use of low viscous fluids (such as water).Prof. Vacca is the author of more than 90 papers, most of them published in international journals or conferences. He is a faculty member of the Center for Compact and Efficient Fluid Power (CCEFP). Prof. Vacca is also Secretary of the Board of the Fluid Power Net International (FPNI). Furthermore, he is an Executive member of the Fluid Power Systems and Technology Division (FPST) of ASME. He is also Associate Editor of the International Journal of Fluid Power.
Bernhard Manhartsgruber earned his doctoral degree from Johannes Kepler University (Linz, Austria) in 1999 with a thesis on nonlinear control of hydraulic servo drives. After approval of his habilitation in Hydrostatic Drive Technology and Machine Design he became Associate Professor at the aforementioned university in 2004. Main research interests are the modeling, simulation and control of hydraulic systems with an emphasis on wave propagation in liquid transmission lines. In newer works the focus has shifted to computations fluid dynamics and low order model condensation out of CFD results. Former research topics include the behaviour of magneto-rheological fluids in the squeeze-mode and the application of singular perturbation theory to teh control of hydraulic servo drives. Besides these main research objectives there is a commitment to teaching in classical servo hydraulics, pneumatics and machine elements both at Johannes Kepler University in Linz as well as at the University of Applied Sciences (FH Joanneum) in Graz, Austria.
Birgitta Lantto, born in 1962, got a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering in 1986. Her Ph D thesis “On Fluid Power Control with Special Reference to Load-Sensing Systems and Sliding Mode Control” was written in 1994, supervised by Professors Jan-Ove Palmberg and Petter Krus at Linköping University. 1994 – 1998 she worked with conceptual design of microwave ovens at Whirlpool Sweden AB, i.e. cooling and heating, design for assembly and noise. In 1998 she got a position as a simulation engineer of Gripen’s Vehicle systemsDdepartment at the aircraft manufacturer Saab AB in Sweden. She got responsible for the R&D activities in the vehicle system’s area and led such projects within fuel systems, aircraft actuators, system’s safety, diagnostics and modelling and simulation in cooperation with Swedish universities. She was also a manager 2000 -2011, first of the simulation group and later of the fuel systems’ group. Today, she works with flight control systems actuation engineering and R&D activities within future aircraft actuation. The most interesting R&D project today is within the Brazilian-Swedish CISB program within energy-saving digital hydraulics, done in cooperation with Professors Victor De Negri and Petter Krus.
Gustavo Koury Costa graduated in 1992 with a bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering and has been teaching Fluid Power for almost 20 years at his current institution. He also holds a Doctorate degree in Computational Fluid Dynamics, having spent one year as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Manitoba Fluid Power and Tele-Robotics Research Laboratory, where he worked with Prof. Nariman Sepehri, with whom he has also written a book entitled “Hydrostatic Transmissions and Actuators: Operation, Modelling and Applications”, published in 2015 by John Wiley and Sons, UK.
Henrique Augusto Menarin is with REIVAX S/A since 2008 and works in R&D of control systems for power generation. He received the degree of Master in Automation and Systems Engineering at the Federal University of Santa Catarina in 2013, for the application of the Model Predictive Control framework to excitation systems and turbine governors for hydroelectric power plants. He graduated as Control and Automation Engineer at the Federal University of Santa Catarina in 2010, having benefited his 6-month internship program in a research project for Optimal Control at Max-Planck Institute in Magdeburg, Germany.
Kai Goebel works at NASA Ames Research Center where he is the Area Lead for Discovery and Systems Health. He received the degree of Diplom-Ingenieur from Technische Universitaet Muenchen in 1990 and the Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley in 1996. Kai worked at General Electric’s Corporate Research Center in upstate New York where he was also an adjunct professor at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He has been on the dissertation committee of seven Ph.D. students at RPI, Syracuse University, University of Cincinnati, Vanderbilt University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Stanford University, and London Metropolitan University. He is currently guest professor at University of Cincinnati. He holds eighteen patents and he has published more than 300 technical papers. Kai is co-founder of a professional society, (Prognostics and Health Management Society), an associate Editor of the International Journal of PHM and he is on the Board of Directors of several non-profit organizations.
Leandro de Oliveira Santos is a Research & Development Engineer at Hydraulic & Pneumatic Competence Center at CNHi Latin America, Curitiba, Brazil, since 2011. He received his Mechanical Engineering Degree in 2009, from FACENS, Brazil. He has started his career in 2005 as a trainee in Schaeffler Group, where he has worked in several different knowledge departments like test laboratory and test track, plastic injection, production and development engineering department, working in this company until 2009. From 2010 to 2011 he worked at VOLVO Brazil on the truck division, developing vehicle dynamics systems like hydraulic steering and suspension. His experience areas are mechanical and fluid conveyance systems as mobile hydraulic and pneumatic systems and components. He has worked with more than 30 different projects, from automotive (on-road) to agriculture (off-road) vehicles, surrounding hydraulic and pneumatic systems. Eng. Leandro O. Santos has published 4 patents (2 requests ongoing), 2 papers, 1 International Automotive Congress presentation.
Luiz Carlos Sandoval Góes graduated in Electronic Engineering at Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica – ITA – in 1975. Master of Sciences by the Department of Physics at ITA (1978) and PhD by the Department of Electrical Engineering at University of Wisconsin-Madison (1986). Head of Department of Mechatronics at ITA. He is also Professor at Division of Mechanical Engineering at ITA since 1976 and Faculty Professor at Department of Mechatronics at ITA since 1991. His activities include education and research in the fields of Dynamic Simulation, Identification and Control of Aerospace Systems, Instrumentation and System of Measurement, Control of Flexible Structures and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV).
Magnus Landberg, born in 1965, graduated with a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Linköping University (LiU) in 1993 in Sweden. He has long experience from flight control system development and vehicle system development in hydraulics in the Gripen fighter aircraft. He is an inventor and now also an industrial Ph.D. student at the Fluid and Mechatronic Systems (Flumes) group, supervised by Prof. Petter Krus and Ph.D. Magnus Sethson. He started as a simulation and modelling engineer in hydraulics at Saab. He is now senior engineer in hydraulics and is working with hydraulics within the flight control systems and its supply. He has been a manager for different wind power projects at Saab. He has 15 patents and patent applications. Among them the Hydraulic Infinite Linear Actuator (HILA) and the Deep Green technology, that utilize slow ocean and tidal streams for generating electricity. Co-founder of the start-up company Minesto (, which is a spin-off from the Saab Group and listed on Nasdaq First North. From 2014 project manager for the development of HILA technology at Saab and LiU.
Mario Valdo is the General Manager at MOOG South America. He has a background of electrical engineering (FEI) and business management (FGV) coupled with years of experience in high performance motion control systems. He started his carrier as an application engineer at MOOG Brasil, installing/commissioning servo hydraulic systems and providing field technical support. Later on he became engineering manager, coordinating the application engineering team and bringing new technologies to Brazil. As MOOG Brasil’s general manager, he is responsible for the subsidiary in Brazil and representatives in Argentina, Chile, Peru, Colombia and Venezuela. He takes care of local strategy, innovation, new markets development, management of global customers in the region, sales team coordination, business ethics, company culture and philosophy. He is a member of ABPF- Associação Brasileira de Preservação Ferroviária (Railway Preservation Society), ADESG – Associação dos Diplomados da Escola Superior de Guerra (Army School Association), CSHPA- Câmara Setorial de Hidráulica , Pneumática e Automação (Hydraulics. Pneumatics and Automation Chamber, ABIMAQ). Mario enjoys motorcycling, hicking, travel, Hi-Fi music and Do-It-Yourself electronics.
Mauricio Garcia is the Strategic Business Director at Asco Brazil – a business unit from Emerson Electric Co. Responsible for the commercial strategies for Brazil, Argentine, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay, has more than 30 years of experience in industrial automation with specialization in the pneumatic field attending a couple of specific programs at Sociéte Joucomatic du France in Paris-France and Numatics Inc. in Michigan-US. He got his graduation in Electrical Technology at Mackenzie University – São Paulo and holds a Master degree in Automation and Process Control from Institute Federal of São Paulo. Has a Redundant Solenoid Control Valve patent requested in 2000 at INPI. He is a member of CSHPA- Câmara Setorial de Hidráulica , Pneumática e Automação (Hydraulics. Pneumatics and Automation Chamber, ABIMAQ) and hold one of the Vice President chair.
Monika Ivantysynova is Professor and Director of the Maha Fluid Power Research Center at Purdue University. She holds a joint appointment in the School of Mechanical Engineering and the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering. She is a thrust leader of the NSF funded Engineering Research Center for Compact and Efficient Fluid Power (CCEFP). She graduated in 1979 and completed her Ph.D. at the Slovak Technical University Bratislava in 1983. She worked in the fluid power industry for seven years. In 1996 she received a Professorship in fluid power & control at the University of Duisburg, Germany, and became in 1999 a Professor of Mechatronic Systems at the Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg, Germany. In 2004 she joined the Purdue University faculty. Dr. Ivantysynova is editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Fluid Power and an initiator and scientific board member of the FPNI. She has been awarded the Joseph Bramah Medal 2009 by the IMechE. In 2010 she received a honorary doctorate from the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. In 2014 she has been awarded the SAE fellow Grade of Membership. In 2015 she received as first women 2015 Robert E Koski Medal from the ASME. She was also elected ASME fellow in 2015. Recently she was honored with the 2016 Purdue Morrill Award. Her research centers on modeling and computational design of piston pumps and motors and advanced system architectures, control and power management concepts for energy efficient actuation and drive systems including hydraulic hybrid systems. She has written a book on hydrostatic pumps and motors, has published more than 200 papers in technical journals and at international conferences. Her research work has generated 18 patents.
Murilo Martinho de Oliveira has graduated in Mechanical Engineering at Universidade do Estado de São Paulo – UNESP (Bauru/SP) in 2009 publishing the technical paper “Recycling heat generated in the condenser of a refrigeration cycle by compression” sponsored by FAPESP and got his Project Management Specialization (MBA) at Fundação Getúlio Vargas – FGV in 2013. Since 2011 he is a Research & Development Engineer at Hydraulic & Pneumatic Competence Center at CNHi Latin America, Curitiba, Brazil, in charge of fluid power developments applied to medium and high horsepower tractors and part of the team of quality improvement of sugarcane harvester. Before working at CNHi, he was part of R&D team from Jacto Agricultural Machines working with airblast sprayers and early developments of a prototype of autonomous vehicle. Murilo has two patents in evaluation process.
Songjing Li is a professor and head of Department of Fluid Control and Automation at Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), China. She is also a senior member of CMES, member of ASME, AAAS and deputy member of Fluid Power Transmission and Control Institute, China. She got her PhD degree from HIT and started to teach and do research work at HIT from 1996. From 2003 to 2004, she was a visiting scholar at the Center for Power Transmission and Motion Control in the University of Bath in UK. The courses she gave include -Hydraulic Transmission- and -Introduction of advanced hydraulic transmission technology-. Her research interests include CFD for hydraulic components and systems, design of new type hydraulic components and systems, microfluidic system and devices, Lab-on-a-chip. She has won 4 awards for her work on the multi-media education software and 1 natural science award of Heilongjiang province for her research. She published 132 journal and conference papers and 4 books including -Advanced hydraulic transmission technology-, -Classical design examples of hydraulic systems- and -Hydraulic circuit reading methods-. She has been responsible for or taken part in more than 30 projects including 3 NSFC projects and owns 8 patents now.
Wagner Mattos was born in 1961, since 2010 manager of the department Machinery Application & Engineering, Service, Industrial Equipment and Sales Product Planning at Bosch Rexroth Ltda in Atibaia/SP, Brazil. He obtained the Mechanical Engineering degree in 1984 at the Federal Fluminense University (Niterói/RJ), MBA in Strategic Marketing in 2000 at the Getulio Vargas Institution (RJ) and Project Management Course in 2001 at the Oxford University, USA. In 1987, he joined Bosch Rexroth Company as engineer in the Regional Sales Office in Rio de Janeiro, becoming in 1989 manager. In 2001, he moved to the System & Engineering area as manager for Special Projects, working in Atibaia/SP, with focus on hydraulic systems. He is the responsible for Large Projects Sales in Latin America (ONE20 Group), related to the branches: Civil Engineering, Marine & Offshore, Material Handling & Mining and Metallurgy.
Waldir Vianna Junior is the General Manager and partner of ARGO-HYTOS AT Fluid Power Systems, a subsidiary of ARGO-HYTOS GMBH since 2013. Founding partner of AT Industrial Automation since 1999. Graduate Mechanical Technician from Escola Técnica Industrial Lauro Gomes – ETI in 1986. Degree in Mechanical Engineering emphasis on Automotive from Faculdade de Engenharia Industrial – FEI in 1991. Postgraduate in Marketing from Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing – ESPM in 1993. Graduated in Business Administration from Escola Superior de Administração de Negócios – ESAN in 1998. He attended international programs such as: Management Development Program – Rutgers University – USA in 1999, Maintenance, Repair and Set-up Industrial Hydraulics – Bosch Rexroth – USA in 2000, Proportional and Servo Circuit Design – Bosch Rexroth USA in 2001, and Electronic Controls for Hydraulic Systems – BoschRexroth USA in 2002. More than 25 years works on designing of hydraulic solutions on the following markets: Industrial, Agriculture, construction, material handling and oil and gas. Consultant in hydraulics for companies such as ArcelorMittal, Gerdau, Anglo American, CSN and others. Guest speaker at international seminars MDA 2013 and WIEPF 2014.
Xiangdong Kong, Ph.D., Doctorial Advisor, Vice President of Yanshan University, China. He graduated from Zhejiang University and has been a senior visiting scholar at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His research addresses a wide range of issues within hydro-mechatronics, including electro-hydraulic servo control system, fluid power transmission and control for heavy machinery, high performance hydraulic components, and vibration control on hydraulic system. Professor Kong has won many national, provincial and ministerial honorary titles and awards in teaching, academic and research. Professor Kong currently holds the following titles and positions: Board Member, Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society (CMES); Director, Fluid Power Transmission and Control Subcommittee of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society; Board Member, Fluid Power Transmission and Control Subcommittee of Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics; President, Hebei Province Mechanical Engineering Society; Board Member and Deputy Director of The Committee of Experts, China Hydraulic Pneumatics and Seals Industry Association; Board Member, Lubrication and Hydraulic Component Subcommittee of China Heavy Machinery Industry Association. The research group has finished more than 40 research projects and is currently conducting more than 20 research projects. The research group has obtained awards and 14 patents, published 5 textbooks and monographs, and published over 200 academic papers, among which over 80 papers have been adopted by SCI, EI or ISTP.