Publicado em: 20/07/2021
33rd Congress of The International Council of The Aeronautical Sciences. Stockholm, Sweden, 4-9 September, 2022.
Leia mais...Publicado em: 14/06/2021
Inscrições para o processo seletivo de monitor para as disciplinas do semestre 2021.1
Leia mais...Publicado em: 18/05/2021
The Division of Fluid and Mechatronic Systems (Flumes) at Linköping University, Sweden, is hosting the 17th Scandinavian International Conference on Fluid Power, SICFP’21, June 1-2, 2021. The conference is arranged on a biannual basis alternating between Linköping University (LiU) and Tampere Technical University, (TUT). The SICFP conference is a forum for exchanging information on the latest developments in fluid power. It is also a forum for socializing and networking among colleagues and friends both from industry and academia.
Leia mais...Publicado em: 03/05/2021
The IFK, one of the world’s largest scientific conferences on fluid power, unites scientists with industry in an international forum to exchange knowledge in the area of hydraulic and pneumatic drives and control systems.
Leia mais...Publicado em: 20/04/2021
Save this date for the next issue of the Digital Fluid Power Workshop series DFP!
Leia mais...Publicado em: 10/04/2021
Join us on the road into a digital, connected and open industry – for higher productivity and sustainability. Discover innovative products and solutions and learn more about the latest trends from our technology experts in our live streams!
Leia mais...Publicado em: 24/03/2021
Defesa de dissertação sobre Desenvolvimento teórico-experimental de um sistema para o acionamento de válvulas de adução em PCHs baseado em tecnologia pneumática
Leia mais...Publicado em: 11/03/2021
“The first National Mechanical Engineering Meeting, the first seed of the COBEM, was held in 1971 in Florianopolis, and I was there participating as a student. Now, fifty years later, having been a protagonist and witness of so many transformations, I have the honor to be the Chair of the […]
Leia mais...Publicado em: 26/02/2021
Background and scope Systems of systems is an important field in modern aviation and a good example in this field is unmanned aerial vehicles used in collaboration to solve a specific task. With this competition the multi- disciplinary approach needed to develop technologies for such vehicles and their applications is […]
Leia mais...Publicado em: 24/02/2021
Projeto: Celesc-Trafo Plataforma robotizada reconfigurável e autopropelida para transporte de transformadores em locais de difícil acesso O Laboratório de Robótica e o Laboratório de Hidráulica e Pneumática da UFSC estão selecionando aluno(a) dos cursos de pós-graduação em Engenharia para desenvolver atividades em um projeto de P&D em parceria com a […]
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